Help us to discover needs, interests and connections in the community to develop programming, events and resourcesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Assists the administrative team to achive its vision in a prudent, ethical and cost-effective mannerADMINISTRATIVE TEAM
Carries out the day- to-day work of the organization, with the assistance of staff and volunteersVOLUNTEERS
Support our work at events, seminars and programs, as well as in administrative duties at the officeBoard of Directors
Michael Weinberger
Board Chair
Born and raised in London, Michael Enrique Weinberger is a second generation Latino who’s family roots spread to Uruguay, Peru, and Mexico. And like many second generation Latinos, has been lucky enough to to see and experience the tremendous growth of our community. Now, Michael works as a lawyer at Siskinds LLP, offering legal advice in Spanish. In his spare time, he gives back by volunteering, organising community events, and teaching his little sister Spanish.
Board of Directors
Catalina Barrios
2nd Vice Chair
Catalina was born and raised in Colombia. In 2004, she immigrated to Canada with her parents, sisters and son. She proudly calls Canada her “second home” and teaches her son the importance of being proud of your roots. Since arriving to Canada she has worked and volunteered with different organizations in support of immigrants. She believes in the importance of multiculturalism and enjoys promoting London’s different programs and services to the city’s diverse community. Catalina studied Journalism, Public Relations and Marketing in London, Ontario and currently works for the City. She enjoys giving back to the community as well as runs Canada’s only bilingual (Spanish and English) Facebook couponing group with over 3,500 members “Couponing in Canada – Cuponeando en Canadá”