Lucy Quaglia Poetry – 101poemas101

Lucy Quaglia was born in Argentina. Her family settled in a town in the province of Buenos Aires when she completed her first year and lived there until she got married in January 1968. She attributes her poetic training to her elementary and high school teachers as well as a great love for the children’s story books. But she decided to let her mind play without many emotional obstacles, in a great odyssey of single words that are put together to create poems for the joy of rhythm itself. Her great inspiration were poets such as José Hernández, Rafael Obligado, Federico García Lorca and Rubén Darío.

Toda sola
Toda sola con mi cara
sentada con mucho orgullo
delante de algún espejo
que encuentro con desconsuelo,
me la paso sin quererlo
mirándome las arrugas,
las pestañas desnutridas,
los músculos arruinados,
la energía que despiertan
mis causas si no consigo
sacudírmelas de encima
cuando pienso mi destino,
se entreveran en la vida
que llevo todos los días
sin recordar las heridas.

To read more about Lucy’ poems go to her Blog.